Indian Laburnum

In Religion and Mythology
The Konrai flower is closely associated with Lord Shiva.
The Konrai flower is closely associated with Lord Shiva. The flower, also referred to as the ‘golden shower’ is lauded for its beauty at several places in the Tirumurai hymns.
The leaf extract is used to treat ringworm and other skin infections. The flower decoction is used to destroy intestinal worms and to cure leprosy. The pulp from the fruit called ‘cassia pulp’ is a well known laxative. It also has digestive, anti-inflammatory, anti-pyretic and blood purifying properties
Botanical Name: Cassia fistula Linn.
Common Name: Indian Laburnum, Amaltas (Hindi), Konrai (Tamil), Aragvadha (Sanskrit)
Distribution: Throughout India