

Located about 10 km from the famous Hindu pilgrimage centre of Varnasi, Sarnath in Uttar Pradesh is one of the holiest Buddhist pilgrimage destinations in India. The site where Lord Buddha had delivered his first sermon after attaining enlightenment, Sarnath is home to some of the most extensive ruins amongst sacred Buddhist sites. Several stupas, excavated ruins of age old monasteries, temples, museums, gardens and various other interesting sites form prominent tourist attractions in Sarnath. The Deer Park or Isipatana Sarnath is the most important among the Gardens in Sarnath.

The garden has lotus pools and a sacred Bo Tree. This tree was grown from a sapling of the original Bodhi Tree at Bodhgaya under which the Buddha attained enlightenment. Towards the south of the Deer park lie the Mulgandha Vihar, the Dhamek Stupa and the Ashoka Pillar.


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