Rumtek Dharma Chakra Centre



Rumtek Monastery, also called the Dharmachakra Centre, is a gompa located in the Indian state of Sikkim near the capital Gangtok at an altitude of about 1,500 metres (4,900 ft). The XVIth Gyalwa Karmapa Rangjung Rigpe Dorjee founded this monastery in 1962 after the King; Sir Tashi Namgyal offered a piece of land measuring 74 acres for the establishment of this Centre to preserve the wealth of his lineage and spiritual treasures.

The monastery is currently the largest in Sikkim. It is home to the community of monks and where they perform the rituals and practices of the Karma Kagyu lineage. The architecture of this four-storied building is said to have been based on the original style of the Tshurphu monastery of Tibet.

Many sacred objects are housed within the complex, and one of the most magnificent is the Golden Stupa, which contains the precious relics of His Holiness the Sixteenth Karmapa. Opposite that building is the shedra, or college, Karma Shri Nalanda Institute for Higher Buddhist Studies. Members of the lay sangha practice in the community lhakhang just outside the walls of the monastery complex.

Surrounding Rumtek Dharma Chakra Centre is the stupa walkway, where monks, pilgrims, and visitors alike perform kora.

Mask Dances are performed here during religious festivals like Saga Dawa (birth anniversary of Lord Buddha), Guru Trungkar Tshechu (birth anniversary of Guru Padmasambhava) and Gutor Chham on the eve of Losar (the Tibetan New Year). Being the seat of the Gyalwa Karmapa, Rumtek Dharma Chakra Centre is now the International Headquarters of the Kagyupa Sect. Presently the gompa has 243 monks and 186 novice monks in its Sheda.





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