Arabian Jasmine

Arabian Jasmine

Botanical Name: Jasminum sambac (L.) Aiton.
Common Name:Arabian Jasmine, Moghra (Hindi), Kundumalligai (Tamil), Mallika (Sanskrit)
Distribution: Throughout India, cultivated

In Religion and Mythology​

The tree is associated with Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu.

The third avatara of Lord Vishnu was varaha, a boar. Varaha is generally depicted having a boar’s head on a human body. Varahi is the Hindu Goddess Durga in the form of a wild boar. She is regarded as the consort of varaha and one of the saptamatrikas (seven fierce forms of Goddess Devi).

Consumption of pig meat – pork – is forbidden or considered haraam by muslims . A vast majority of Hindus also avoid pig meat although it is beef (cow meat) that is forbidden by the religion.


The whole flower is used for removing intestinal worms and is also used to jaundice and venereal diseases. The flower buds are useful in treating ulcers, vesicles, boils, skin diseases and eye disorders. The leaf extracts acts against breast tumours.

The oil is used for making perfumes and incense. The flowers are used to string garlands. In South India, the flowers are strung into thick strands and worn by women as an adornment in their hair.

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