Barunei Caves


Barunei is a small hill about one and half kilometers to the south of Khurda town in Khurda district. A large portion of the hill is covered by reserve forests. On the northern slope of the hill, at a height of about 45.72 metres (a hundred and fifty feet) above the plain, is the temple of Goddesses Barunei. The deities of the Barunei Temple are Goddess Barunei and Goddess Karunei. For identity between the two names the temple is known as Barunei temple.

The hill contains several caves of which the largest one is known as Pandavaguha. Rows of low rocky palettes line the floor. There are a few ancient inscriptions, e.g. that of Makaradhwaja Yogi of 10th century another dated 8th century, and three others inscribed in old Kutila characters.

It is believed that God Ramachandra lived here some days at the time of his Unknown living (Agyatwas). The stone on which God Ram Chandra lived is known as Shree Ram Stone (Shree Ram Pathar). One day after cooking Goddess Sita washing the pots had told “till the earth is there the water of this place will not dry”. And it is true that even in summer the place has enough water.



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