Domestic Goat

Domestic Goat

Scientific Name: Capra aegagrus hircus
Common Name: Domestic Goat, Bakhri (Hindi), Aadu (Tamil), Mesha (Sanskrit)
Distribution: Throughout India
Conservation Status: Domesticated

In Religion and Mythology​

Agni on his vahana

In Hindu mythology, te vehicle or vahana of Agni , the Hindu fire God is a he-goat or a ram. Daksha, father of Goddess Sati is depicted with the head of a goat.

In Religion and Mythology​

The sacrificial goat for Bakhr Eid

Eid-ul-Adha / Eid-ul-Zuha is one of the most celebrated festivals among the Muslim community. Muslims around the world sacrifice an animal on the occasion of the festival to show their faith and sincerity to Allah. In India, the animal most commonly used for the sacrifice is a goat ( bakra in Hindi) – which is why the festival is also known as Bakhr Eid . (although the festival originally has no association with the goat.)

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