Bumzu or Bhaumajo Caves


Bhumju or Bumzu or Bhaumajo lies at the mouth of the lidder valley, in Anantnag Distirct. The caves are situated on the left bank of the Lidder River about a mile north of the village of Bawan, the largest is dedicated to Kaladeva.

The cave-temple stands at the far end of a natural but artificially enlarged fissure in the limestone cliff. The entrance to the cavern, which is more than 60 feet above the level of the river, is carved into an architectural doorway, and a gloomy passage, 50 ft in length, leads from it to the door of the temple. It is a simple cella, 10 ft square, exterior dimensions, raised on a badly molded plinth and approached by a short flight of steps. The square door way is flanked by two round headed niches despoiled of their status and is surmounted by a high triangular pediment reaching to the apex of the roof, with a trefoiled tympanum.

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