Ajodhya hills


Ajodhya hill located about 42 kms from Purulia town, is a part of Dalma Mountain range between West Bengal and Jharkhand. It is situated amidst dense forests and gurgling waterfalls. The forest teems with elephants, wild boars, wolves, and cheetahs and is thick with trees of pine, shimal,sal, shirsh and segur trees. It is a woody hill with a table land whose highest point is 650.14m. Numerous small streams drain its western and southern slopes into the Subarnarekha River.  The northern slopes drain into the   Kangsabati and Kumari rivers. There are also two picturesque waterfalls. The highest peak is called Gorgaburu.

The place finds mention in Hindu mythology. According to the legend Lord Rama and Goddess Sita had stayed here during their period of exile. As per one of the legend, once Sita felt thirsty and asked Lord Rama to find some water. Rama shot an arrow into the earth and a stream gushed out, thus quenching Sita’s thirst. This place is known as Sita kund.

People belong to Tundra community drink water from Sita kundu before going for Shikar (Hunting) because they think Sita kund is a holy place for them. The local people have constructed a beautiful Ram Mandir or temple just 500 meters away from the Sita Kund. The common people offer prayer to both the places consecutively.

Source: http://purulia.gov.in/tourism/sitakund.html


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