Indian Gooseberry

Indian Gooseberry

Botanical Name: Emblica officinalis Gaertn.
Common Name: Indian Gooseberry, Amla (Hindi), Nellikai (Tamil), Amalaki (Sanskrit)
Distribution: Throughout India

In Religion and Mythology​

The Amla tree is one of the most sacred trees in India.

The Amla tree is one of the most sacred trees in India. It is widely believed that Amla tree rose from the tears of Lord Brahma. It is also believed that the Amla tree was the first tree to emerge on the earth and hence, is referred to as Adiroha. The fruit is also associated with Goddess Lakshmi. Amla fruit is one of the richest sources of Vitamin C and hence is used in manufacture of several medicines and tonics. The pulp of the fruit is the major ingredient in ‘Chyawanprash’, a popular Ayurvedic health supplement.

The ripe fruit is edible and is also used for making pickles, jams and chutneys. Amla has a wide applicability in the manufacture of hair-care products such as oils, shampoos, conditioner, etc. It is in fact the world’s oldest, natural hair conditioners.

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