Indian Peafowl

Indian Peafowl

Scientific Name: Pavo cristatu Linn
Common Name: Indian Blue Peafowl / Common Peafowl , Mor or Mayur (Hindi), Mayil (Tamil), Mayuraha (Sanskrit)
Distribution: Throughout India
Conservation Status: Least Concern (LC)

In Religion and Mythology​

Lord Murugan on His vahana

The peacock is considered sacred in Hindu religion. The divine vehicle or vahana of Lord Muruga is a peacock named Paravani. It is believed that during a battle between Lord Muruga and a demon named Surapadman, the demon assumed the form of a big mango tree. This tree was split into two by Lord Muruga’s spear ( vael ). From one half emerged a rooster and from the other a peacock. Lord Muruga took the peacock as His vahana and the cock as His flag symbol.

In Religion and Mythology​

Lord Krishna with the peacock feather on His crown

The feathers of the peacock are also considered auspicious and protective in many parts of India. The feathers are used to fan Hindu Gods in temples. The crown of Lord Krishna is usually adorned by a peacock feather.

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