Ramchandi Cave Temple


Ramchandi village an important place of ‘Shakti Worship’ is located 10 km. away from Jharsuguda town in Jharsuguda district. The village is known for its shrine dedicated to Goddess Ramchandi. The idol of Mata Chandi is inside a cave on the bank of Ib River.

She is believed to be possessed of great powers. It is believed that by worshipping Goddess Ramchandi sterile women will obtain children. On the foundation of the old temple one magnificent temple was constructed. The Shrine is famous not only in the Rampur area but throughout the western Orissa. A Yatra is held here on the second day of Krushna Pakshya Bhadra. This Yatra is known as Ramchandi Yatra or Kaduali Yatra (July- August). This Yatra is celebrated with big ceremony every year. Thousands of people attend this Yatra.

Source: http://jharsuguda.nic.in/tourism.htm


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