Water Buffalo

Water Buffalo Scientific Name: Bubalus bubalis. Common Name: Buffalo, Bhains (Hindi), Yerumai (Tamil), Mahishaha (Sanskrit) Distribution: Throughout India In Religion and Mythology​ Yama riding a buffalo The buffalo is most…

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Vulture Scientific Name: Gyps sp. Common Name: Vulture, Gidh (Hindi), Kazhugu (Tamil), Grudhaha (Sanskrit) Distribution: Throughout India In Religion and Mythology​ Jatayu, the vulture King fighting Ravana Another vulture, which…

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Tortoise Scientific Name: Geochelone elegans Common Name: Tortoise, Kachuva (Hindi), Aamai (Tamil), Kurmaha (Sanskrit) Distribution: Throughout India In Religion and Mythology​ Kurma avatara of Lord Vishnu Kurma was the second…

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Squirrel Scientific Name: Funambulus palmarum Common Name: Three-striped Palm Squirrel, Ghilahari (Hindi), Anil (Tamil), Kalandakaha (Sanskrit) Distribution: Throughout India In Religion and Mythology​ Lord Rama caressing the squirrel Squirrels are…

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Swan Scientific Name:Cygnus sp. Common Name: Swan, Hans (Hindi), Annapakshi (Tamil), Hamsaha (Sanskrit) Distribution: Throughout India In Religion and Mythology​ Goddess Saraswati on her swan Saraswati, the Hindu Goddess of…

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Spider Scientific Name: Araneae Common Name: Spider, Makadi (Hindi), Yettu-kal puchi (Tamil) Distribution: Throughout India Conservation Status: Throughout India In Religion and Mythology​ The temple town of Sri Kalahasti (also…

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Sarus Crane

Sarus Crane Scientific Name: Grus antigone. Common Name: Sarus Crane, Krouncha (Sanskrit) Distribution: Northern and western parts of India Conservation Status: Vulnerable (VU) In Religion and Mythology​ The bird is…

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Rat Scientific Name: Rattus rattus Linn. Common Name: Black rat, Chuha (Hindi), Yeli (Tamil) Distribution: Throughout India Conservation Status: Least Concern (LC) In Religion and Mythology​ Goddess Karni with the…

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Parakeet Scientific Name: Psittacula krameri manillensis Common Name: Indian Rose-ringed Parakeet, Totha (Hindi), Pachai Killi (Tamil), Shukaha (Sanskrit) Distribution: Throughout India Conservation Status: Least Concern (LC) In Religion and Mythology​…

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