Govardana Hills

Govardana Hills

Location: Braj (in Mathura District), Uttar Pradesh
Altitude:25 meters above the sea level


The Govardhan hill (known locally as Giriraj) is actually a small sandstone hillock covered with many flowering plants and surrounded by grazing lands. The hill is formed in the shape of a peacock.

Legends and Mythology

The hill is associated with Lord Krishna, who is believed to have lifted the hill with the tip of his little finger for seven days and nights to shield the people of Braj from the torrential rains caused by Lord Indra.

Govardhan is believed to have been 30,000 meters high about 5000 years ago. It is believed that the hill is sinking by the height of a mustard seed daily due to the curse by Pulatsya Rishi. Pulatsya Rishi once reached Dronakala Hill and requested that his son Govardhan accompany to Pulastya’s abode at Kasi. Dronakala could not refuse, but at the same time did not want to lose his son. But, Govardhan agreed to go along under one condition. If the Rishi put him down anywhere on his way to Kasi, he will not move further and will stay there forever. The Rishi accepted the condition and lifted him on his palm and proceeded to Kasi.

As they approached Braj, thoughts about Lord Krishna entered Govardhan’s mind and hence, he became heavier. The Rishi could no longer carry him and he put Govardhan down to get some rest. When he tried to lift Govardhan again, the hill refused to move. In great anger the rishi cursed Govardhan that he would diminish in size by one mustard seed every day.

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