Brahmy Kite

In Religion and Mythology
Lord Vishnu on Garuda, as vahana
Garuda, the celestial carrier or vahana of Lord Vishnu and his consort, Goddess Lakshmi, is a swift-flying Brahminy kite. In Hindu mythology, he is often referred to as the ‘king of birds’. He has been give the status of a deity by the religious scriptures and hence, is worshipped. In most Vishnu temples, there is a separate shrine for Garuda, also known as Garudalwar. Garuda is also the symbol on Lord Vishnu’s flag. (Garuda dwaja).

In Religion and Mythology
Garuda in Buddhist’s mythology
In Buddhists mythology and scriptures, Garuda belongs to a race of divine creatures who are known for their hatred for the Nagas or the serpents. In Buddhists scriptures, Lord Buddha is shown making temporary peace between the Nagas and Garuda.

Scientific Name: Haliastur indus
Common Name: Brahminy kite, Brahmani Cheel (Hindi), Krishna parunthu (Tamil), Khemankari (Sanskrit))
Distribution: Plains and forests of India
IUCN Conservation Status: Least Concern (LC)